
The Club offers a variety of traing and education courses covering basic and advanced four wheel driving as well as other courses that may be used in conjunction with camping and 4wding. The indervidual cost of training will vary from one course to the next and for the use of privately owned properties that may be used for the purposes of providing training and assessment.

What training and courses the Club can offer you

  • Driver training in conjunction with Four Wheel Drive South Australia
  • Advanced Tyre Repair
  • Senior First Aid Certification Training and Refreshment
  • Chain Saw Safety
  • GPS and OziExplorer

Training Event Registration and Payment

To enable your training to be conducted at minimal cost, the DTU operates all Courses on a cost recovery basis only. The cost of the Manuals and access to the TLCCSA training program is $150 payable to the Toyota Landcruiser Club.

Training Sites and Locations

The club is has access to facilities and properties in which training can be accomodated for both theoretical and practical. Training and assessment may also be performed on orgainsed trips provided that trainers and assessors are available to perform the training and assessment while on the trips.

Sporting Car Club of South Australia
Morgan Peake